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IMERG Early Run Example January 24th, 2020
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Photograph of a landslide on a mountain.
Landslides are one of the most pervasive hazards in the world, resulting in more fatalities and economic damage than is generally recognized. Every year they block roads, damage infrastructure, and cause thousands of fatalities. Intense and prolonged rainfall is the most frequent landslide trigger around the world, but earthquakes and human influence can also cause significant and widespread landsliding. Using satellite data, we can identify the conditions under which landslides typically occur, helping to improve monitoring and modeling of these hazards
PMM Science Banner
3D Printed GPM Data  from Typhoon Malakas
Overview Precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM) was used to generate these 3D printed models of various tropical cyclones and storm systems from the past several years. This data was collected by GPM's Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar instrument, which utilizes Ka-band and Ku-band frequencies to measure the size, shape, and distribution of liquid and solid water particles within clouds in three dimensions. The raw radar data was then processed by algorithms at NASA's Precipitation Processing System to be converted to precipitation rates, then was further
IMERG Early Run Example January 24th, 2020
GPM Precipitation and Applications Viewer This page is a demonstration of the PMM Precipitation and Applications Publisher API. To learn how to use the API for your own applications, please visit: https://pmmpublisher.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ https://pmmpublisher.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/docs For More Information On: the GPM Precipitation products, please see: https://gpm.nasa.gov/data/directory the Global Landslide Nowcast, please visit: https://gpm.nasa.gov/applications/landslides LOADING Show Legends Show Controls Select Region: North America Central America South America Europe Africa Middle East
IMERG Early Run Example January 24th, 2020
GPM & TRMM Data Usage Policy GPM and TRMM data are freely available at all levels for which the particular sensor or sensor combination has been processed by GPM. For the GPM Core Observatory this is for Levels 0 through 3 products (as applicable). For the partner satellites in the GPM constellation this is Levels 1c through 3 (as applicable). Users are encouraged to access data from the primary GPM and TRMM archives (i.e. nasa.gov domains at Goddard Space Flight Center). When data from secondary archives are used, it is incumbent on the user to verify that the data values accessed are
IMERG Early Run Example January 24th, 2020