
This data product was produced by combining data from multiple observation platforms. For IMERG this includes satellite microwave imagers and sounders and geosynchronous satellites providing IR data. Learn more:

IMERG Late Run Disasters Mapping Portal JacobAdmin Wed, 06/17/2020
IMERG Early Run Disasters Mapping Portal JacobAdmin Wed, 06/17/2020
IMERG Final Run PPS Research GIS JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019
IMERG Late Run 1 Day, 3 day, 7 Day PMM API JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019
IMERG Early Run PPS Near Real-time GIS JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019
IMERG Early Run 1 Day PMM API JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019
IMERG Early Run 30 minute Giovanni JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019