
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
Problem-Based Classroom Modules A series of PDF files which provide full classroom lessons and problem sets for a number of precipitation-related topics. The Shape of a Raindrop A lesson on what causes raindrops in our atmosphere to be a certain shape. Create a Sphere with Precipitation Climatology Click above to download the PDF file. This is an activity in which students will cut and fold paper to create a 3D sphere which displays the precipitation climatology (long-term average) computed by the Global Energy and Water Experiment for 1979-2008. This activity was created by Dr. Chris Kidd and...
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
Featured Documents All files are .PDF unless noted otherwise MC3E Field Campaign White Paper GPM Ground Validation: Strategy and Efforts Report of the 1st International GPM GV Requirements Workshop Profiler Data Sets for the NASA PMM Community Presentations from the 2nd International GPM GV Workshop CSU's 2-Dimensional Video Disdrometer for the Canadian CloudSat/CALIPSO Validation Programme (.ppt) Validation Network Data Product User's Guide - Volume 1 (TRMM) Validation Network Data Product User's Guide - Volume 2 (GPM) GROUND Validation System Level 3 Operations Concept GROUND Validation...
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
Winter 2006-2007 Snowfall Field Campaign The NASA GPM Project and the Precipitation Measurement Mission (PMM) Science Team participated in to the Canadian CloudSat/CALIPSO Validation Programme (C3VP) during winter 2006-2007. The campaign took place in the vicinity of the Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) operated by the Meteorological Service of Canada . All members of NASA's PMM Science Team are covered by a "blanket" agreement that allows them full access to the C3VP data, subject to the C3VP Data Protocol . The CARE facility is located about 80 km north of Toronto. Results...
DROP field campaign instruments
Looking ahead it is becoming apparent that the future of precipitation research is probably not one in which satellite data are used in isolation. Instead, integration of satellite precipitation measurements with ground observations, cloud resolving model s (CRMs) and land surface data assimilation systems (LDAS) is likely to replace satellite-only precipitation products, particularly for forecasting and hydrological applications that require precipitation as input. This is already apparent in the analyzed precipitation products over the continental US and similar activities in Japan. Hence...
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
A GPM Ground Validation prototype is currently underway to compare TRMM satellite data to similar measurements from the national network of operational weather radars. The goal of the Validation Network is to identify and resolve significant discrepancies between the US national network of ground radar observations and satellite observations. The validation network prototype matches-up TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR, see below image) and quality-controlled NEXRAD reflectivity data (right) for 21 ground radar sites in the Southeastern United States. Conceptually, the Validation Network also...