Replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products (2017-03-19) for orbit 17356

PPS received replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products from JAXA and will reprocess the affected data. If you have already obtained products with orbit #17356 from our archive or through a standing order, etc., please discard and use the replacement products. PPS has replaced the following GPM Ka/Ku L1B data: GPMCOR_KUR_1703190533_0705_017356_1BS_DUB_04A.h5 GPMCOR_KAR_1703190533_0705_017356_1BS_DAB_04A.h5 ------------------------------------- PPS will reprocess these affected downstream products shortly. 2A.GPM.Ka.V6-20160118.20170319-S053318-E070552.017356.V04A.HDF5 2A.GPM.Ku.V6-20160118.20170319

Upcoming IMERG version update to V04A

The algorithm for the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Early and Late Runs has now been upgraded to Version 04. The transition to V04 is planned to happen on Monday, March 13 by 15 UTC at PPS and the new data should start flowing down to the GES DISC as well. Access and data fields continue to be the same as for Version 03, except the version number is 04A. Initially, the data records begin on 5 February 2017 for the Late Run, and about 5 hours before the time when PPS begins processing after the switchover for the Early Run. Version 04 supersedes all prior IMERG versions
Date Last Updated
July 1st, 2022
Document Description

The GPM Combined Radar-Radiometer Algorithm performs two basic functions: first, it provides, in principle, the most accurate, high resolution estimates of surface rainfall rate and precipitation vertical distributions that can be achieved from a spaceborne platform, and it is therefore valuable for applications where information regarding instantaneous storm structure are vital.

Document Description

Latent heating (LH) cannot be measured directly with current techniques, including current remote sensing or in situ instruments, which explains why nearly all satellite retrieval schemes depend heavily on some type of cloud-resolving model or CRM (Tao et al. 2006, 2016). This is true for the current CSH algorithm (Tao et al. 2010).

Input: Combined 2BCMB (DPR + GMI) rainfall products

PPS GPM Replacement of Combined and Downstream Products December 08, 2016

PPS received replacement PRL1KA/KU files from JAXA. PPS will reprocess the affected data including combined and downstream products (2AKa, 2AKu, 2ADPR, 2BCMB, 2HCSH, 2HSLH, 3GCSH, 3GSLH) from 2016-12-17 16:31:39 -> 2016-12-17 18:04:13. If you have obtained any of these products from our archive or through a Standing Order, etc., please discard these and use the replacement products. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following files and corresponding browse products will be replaced 2A.GPM.Ka.V6-20160118.20161217-S163139-E180413.015932.V04A.HDF5 2A

Jan. 2016 GPM IMERG and Jan.-Jun. 2016 TMPA 3B42/3B43 Data Products are Being Recalled and Replaced

UPDATE 9/27/16: January 2016 IMERG has been regenerated and posted. This was necessary due to an error that omitted the gauge analysis in the Final products. Also, 3B42/3B43 have been recomputed and posted. Let me know if you have any further questions. --- PPS has removed the January 2016 GPM IMERG and January through June 2016 3B42/3B43 TMPA products from our ftp archive: ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ and STORM: https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/storm/ The GPM science team discovered that the IMERG final products for Jan 2016 and the Jan-Jun 2016 TMPA 3B42/3B43 products for which we

PPS Down for Maintenance Tuesday September 20, 2016

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down today, September 20,2016 from 8:00am -2:00pm EDT (12:00 - 18:00 UTC). for scheduled maintenance. During this time all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer systems (GDAAC/DISC) as well as Science User services (FTP and STORM access) will be unavailable. You may contact PPS Operations at 301-614-5247 , 301-614-5184 or fax us at 301-614-5269 if there are any urgent matters requiring our immediate attention during this period. You will be informed when PPS systems become available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may

PPS Down for Extended Maintenance, Sunday September 18, 2016

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down Sunday September 18, 2016 -estimated time from 10:00am to 6:00pm EDT (14:00 - 22:00 UTC) for Special Unscheduled Maintenance. Please note: although it is unlikely, due to unforeseen events PPS systems might be down overnight and only be available starting Monday morning, September 19, 2016. During this time, all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer systems (GDAAC/DISC) as well as Science User services (FTP and STORM access) will be unavailable. You may e-mail “sysgods@mail.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov” if there are any urgent matters
PPS Releases Level 2-Level 3 GPROF MHS Version 04A Data JacobAdmin Wed, 08/31/2016
Level 2 and Level 3 GPROG MHS Version V04A products, starting from February 01, 2014 are in production and will be available to our registered users at: ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ This data can also be ordered through PPS's STORM https://storm-pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/storm/ To register with PPS to obtain data, please visit: https://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/ The DataType designation for these products are as follows: 2AGPROFMETOPAMHS 2AGPROFMETOPBMHS 2AGPROFNOAA18MHS 2AGPROFNOAA19MHS 3GPROFMETOPAMHS_DAY 3GPROFMETOPBMHS_DAY 3GPROFNOAA18MHS_DAY 3GPROFNOAA19MHS_DAY
New Products: L2 and L3 GPROF for the NPP ATMS JacobAdmin Wed, 08/17/2016
Level 2 and Level 3 GPROF products for the NPP ATMS, starting from data date 2014-03-01 are in production and will be available to our registered users at: ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ These products can also be ordered through PPS's STORM https://storm-pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/storm/ To register please visit: http://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/ The DataType designation for these products include: 2AGPROFNPPATMS 3GPROFNPPATMS 3GPROFNPPATMS_DAY and they are under the ftp directory: ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/gpmdata/yyyy/mm/dd/gprof GPM GPROF (Level 2) Algorithm