On December 8, 2014 and December 10, 2014 the GPM MOC will conduct deep space calibrations maneuvers that will assist in physically verifying GMI calibration changes and also help in further characterization of the GMI instrument itself. Special processing is required for the data collected during the DSC. Therefore, PPS production of Standard GMI products will be halted on Dec 8 at 20:30 UTC. Processing will resume during normal business hours on Dec 9. On December 10, the maneuver is scheduled to begin at 12:00 UTC. Depending on the arrival of the DSC data processing may again be halted...

Data News
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The NOAA network is gradually being restored. MHS data appears to have started flowing around 02:00 UTC on 23 October 2014, but as of 08:00 UTC on 23 October 2014 the Meteosat geo-IR data was still missing. As a result, users should see reduced areas of "missing" and higher-quality estimates in general starting with the 03:00 UTC 23 October 2014 3B42RT.
Starting about 22:00 UTC on 20 October 2014 PPS started having issues with missing input data files originating at NOAA. Informally we have been told that there is a major network issue, but have no insight on its nature or likely duration. Until this is resolved, the input data for the 3B4xRT suite of products will suffer greatly reduced volume. Currently, we are not receiving sounder data, and the IR fields only have GOES-E and -W.