IMERG Early Run Example January 24th, 2020

Data News

On 18 October 2024 PPS received a corrupted IR file for 15:00 UTC, which caused all subsequent IR processing to fail and not contribute to the Early Run from 16:00 UTC on 18 October until 05:00 UTC on 20 October, and to the Late Run from 16:00 UTC on 18 October until 20:00 UTC on October 19. Subsequently, PPS manually skipped past the defective IR data file and ran all the IR data that were missed, and then reran both Early and Late for the periods listed above. These rerun products have replaced the earlier products on the fileserver. Please note the out-of-order file times to confirm which...
A server upgrade at the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) interrupted real-time transmission of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) data on Sept. 11, 2024, for the F16, F17, and F18 satellites at 18:28, 19:03, and 19:36 UTC, respectively. They returned to real-time operation on Sept. 18 at 23:45 UTC, and are believed to be back-filling the missed data. Thus, the IMERG Final Run products should be unaffected, but the Early and Late Run products will lack SSMIS for this period, with some variation due to latency considerations.
Recently, an error in the metadata of the GeoTIFF files for the IMERG V07B Final Run climatologies has been discovered. This error affected only the geolocation, specifically the orientation, of the fields and not the precipitation data. These files have been replaced with ones containing the correct metadata. Users who have downloaded the old GeoTIFF files should replace them with the new files. These IMERG climatology files are available at
The following is a clarification on the current status of Version 06 and Version 07 IMERG data. Production of V06 Early and Late datasets ceased on 3 June. After overcoming significant hardware, software, and data feed challenges, PPS instituted “Initial Processing” (that is, processing of new data) for Early and Late starting with 00:00 UTC on 1 June. “Retrospective Processing” (that is, processing of the record of previous data) is complete for Early from June 2000 through December 2023. Retrospective Processing is on-going for Late, with parallel runs starting with June 2000 and June 2014...
At 01:45 UTC 12 June, JAXA resumed their processing of GPM radar products, which allowed PPS to catch up the downstream GPM DPR products that they compute, as well as computing the Combined product. Fortunately, through the processing outage the JAXA-NASA data line continued to operate, providing the ancillary data that GPROF and IMERG needed to continue uninterrupted near real-time processing.

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