All PPS services have been restarted, tested and verified including GPM Production, STORM , Registration and the PPS website. If you encounter any unusual behavior or data anomalies, please report this to the PPS Helpdesk: Thank you for your patience during this unexpected downtime.

Data News
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
On Friday January 31, 2025, PPS detected hardware issues with PPS's Production data archive "arthurhou". Because of reported file length discrepancies, PPS is suspending access to the the 'arthurhou' production data server until they can analyze and fully resolve these issues as soon as possible. All data archiving to 'arthurhou' will be turned off during this unscheduled maintenance period. GPM production data and PPS access systems such as STORM will NOT be available for processing during that time. Please be aware that GPM NRT data file access on 'jsimpson' remains unaffected during this...
Thanks to the continuing support and work of Dr. Joe Turk of JPL, PPS has an updated version of the Cloudsat TRMM and GPM coincident datasets. These are now available for retrieval from PPS. Documentation for this V05 dataset is available on the PPS website at the following location:… The dataset was created using the TRMM and GPM V07 products and the current Cloudsat products. The output file format is netcdf4.
The PPS has completed retroprocessing IMERG V07 products for Jan. 1, 1998 to May 31, 2000. Both the Early and Late standard HDF product and the GIS products are available on the "jsimpson" GPM near real-time file servers. Please visit our data directory for a full list of product downloads and documentation. With this retroprocessing now complete, IMERG V07 products are now available from January 1998 through the present.
The PPS has completed retroprocessing IMERG V07 products for Jan. 1, 1998 to May 31, 2000. Both the Early and Late standard HDF product and the GIS products are available on the "jsimpson" GPM near real-time file servers. Please visit our data directory for a full list of product downloads and documentation. With this retroprocessing now complete, IMERG V07 products are now available from January 1998 through the present.