The IMERG algorithm team has finalized the IMERG V07 algorithm for the final product. This is the one that is generated with a 3 month latency. PPS has started the reprocessing and processing of V07 IMERG final. The V07 reprocessed final files will soon be available from PPS. The algorithm team has requested that the entire TRMM/GPM era IMERG-final product be reprocessed before the near real-time (NRT) early (4 hour latency) or late (14 hour latency) products are produced at V07. This will allow them to use the final IMERG product to update ancillary files used as part of the early and late...
Data News
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Commencing with the data date of Saturday July 1, 2023, all GPM Level 2 and Level 3 data products will be updated to the designation V07B. PPS will be making these V07B data products available to the public starting on Thursday July 06, 2023. This version update is necessary since there has been a change to the GPM autosnow input data for these GPM Level 2 and Level 3 algorithms. PPS GPM Level 2 and Level 3 data processing will be on hold between Sat July 01 -Tue July 04, 2023 in order to close out the GPM Level 2 and Level 3 V07A products through June 30, 2023. On Wed July 05, 2023 we will...
The IMERG V07 algorithm release has been delayed as the team works to address some artifacts discovered during the development process. Currently, a near-complete version of the algorithm is in the integration and testing phase at NASA's Precipitation Processing System (PPS). The IMERG team has also decided to run the Final V07 version first to obtain information that will be useful in the near real-time IMERG V07 Early and Late products. As a result, the Early and Late products will continue to process as IMERG V06 for several months after the Final shifts to Version 07. Please continue to...
On Tuesday April 18, 2023 at 12:00 UTC the GPM Flight Operations Team will be uploading a firmware update to the GPM satellite. During this time the instruments will be shut down and the spacecraft will be put into sun acquisition mode. No science data will be available until the spacecraft is commanded back into Mission Science Mode. Instruments are expected to be back to nominal operations by 20:00 UTC. It will take additional time for PPS production to ingest and verify the data before processing restart. We will provide an update when activities are complete and nominal production has...
The upgrade of GPROF and the Combined Radar-Radiometer Algorithm (CORRA) code to Version 07 as of 0 UTC on May 9, 2022, while IMERG continues at V06 until August, requires the Early and Late Runs to change slightly and be given the version number 06C. Specifically, the V07 GPROF and CORRA data must be used in V06 IMERG, and the GPCP climatological calibration has been recomputed to account for the change in CORRA. In addition, the GMI-other sensor calibrations will shift over the next month as V07 data are incorporated into the accumulation files. We expect the Early and Late time series to be...