PPS has created a new PPS/GPM Science Algorithm Toolkit (TKIO) package which includes all the latest production formats. Those wishing to access new production data products listed below using C and Fortran interfaces may wish to download this TKIO package. Those using development TKIO versions that include the newer products do not need this public distribution, it is optional. This 3.97 TKIO includes all production formats including the recent additions of the V06X radar products and 3B42/3 in HDF5. The direct link is ftp://gpmweb2.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/pub/PPStoolkit/GPM/tkio-3.97/tkio-3.97...
Data News
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
At 11:00 UTC on 18 June 2020, FTP access to jsimpson will no longer be possible. The stoppage was originally scheduled for 1 June 2020 but due to the impacts of the CoVid19 pandemic, the end of FTP was delayed. Effective 11:00 UTC 18 June 2020, both jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov and jsimpsonftps.eosdis.nasa.gov will provide FTPS access to GPM NRT data. FTPS will be the main, 24hr/7day retrieval protocol for getting GPM NRT data from PPS. Remember PPS implements explicit FTPS, FTPS retrieval will require your system administrators to open ports 64000-65000. You can find examples of using curl and wget for FTPS access to data on jsimpson in /NRTPUB/documentation/FTP-FTPS-Transition.pdf
The IMERG Algorithm Development Team is currently developing the next version of IMERG, V07. To help us prioritize our efforts, we have created a survey for users to identify aspects of IMERG that they consider important. Your responses will help us decide how we should focus our development effort for V07 and beyond. We deeply appreciate your responses. The survey is located at https://forms.gle/hgSMBXx7a2ScWpRSA This survey should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes. It is open through Monday, June 15.
Following a reset of the DPR to Standby Mode that occurred on April 22, 2020, the DPR Ka radar data acquisition has been restored. PPS is releasing the DPR and downstream data for distribution from April 22, 2020 - April 30, 2020. There are continuing short data outages for the radar that are being investigated and corrective measures are scheduled to be applied on May 14, 2020. PPS will be releasing May 2020 data in stages with an expected return to normal data availability soon after the corrective measures are applied. For Level-1 and Level-2 products, users should check the dataQuality...
At 07:56:59GMT (3:56:59AM EDT) on April 22, 2020 both units on the Dual Precipitation Radar reset from Observation Mode to Standby Mode. The recovery process is ongoing for the Ka radar and we expect production of all radar products to resume normal operations soon. GMI operations and data products continue to be nominal during this time. PPS Production: PPS has put all radar and downstream product distribution on hold. Once products are released users should expect to see some partial and/or fully empty radar products. PPS will provide a complete listing of the anomaly orbits once we have all...