PPS will replace GPM Ka/Ku L1B products from JAXA and will reprocess the affected data including Level 2 and 3 data. If you have already obtained products with orbit#32319 from our archive or through a standing order, etc., please discard and use the replacement products when available. PPS will replace the following GPM Ka/Ku L1B data: GPMCOR_KUR_1911060353_0525_032319_1BS_DUB_05C.h5 GPMCOR_KAR_1911060353_0525_032319_1BS_DAB_05C.h5 PPS will reprocess the affected L2-3 downstream products. If you have obtained any of these products from our archive or through a Standing Order, etc., please...
Data News
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Precipitation Processing System (PPS) has begun the TRMM and GPM Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating (CSH) V06A level 2 and level 3 data reprocessing on, Monday October 21, 2019. This reprocessing will cover the whole life for TRMM and the period from the launch to current for GPM. The release notes (CHS V06) explaining the key changes from V05A and improvements implemented in the current V06A product will be available later this week and will be posted on the following PPS public web pages as soon as it's provided: https://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/GPMprelimdocs.html https://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov...
PPS will resume to process NOAA-19 MHS L1C and GPROF products for the granules starting from 09/20/2019 10:22:10 UTC. There was an issue with the satellite drifting which caused issues with the pre-processing. NOAA/NESDIS updated the processing coefficient and made the NOAA-19 MHS channel 2 L1B data back to normal.
PPS will halt the NOAA-19 L1C and GPROF products for the time being due to problems with the input received. Indications are that the NOAA-19 MHS channel 2 has failed. The input data (MSPPS_ORB) used for producing the NOAA-19 MHS L1C product is flagging all the Ta as missing, and as a result the L1C and GPROF products for NOAA-19 have ceased. We will inform you when and if we have any new details or announcements. Thank you for your attention and patience during this time.
Beginning with August 19, 2019 at 13:00 UTC, noise in the form of random horizontal lines over the Eastern Pacific began appearing, with most of the problems appearing each following day in the 12:00, 12:30, and 13:00 half-hours, with at least one instance of 13:30. This was traced to noise in the GOES-W Tb’s (as the result of the faulty sensor cooling system), which made it past the filtering at CPC, where the Merged Global 4-km IR dataset is assembled. The Early and Late datasets contain these errors, which will be dealt with in the Final computation.