Effective on May 9, 2022, the GPM near real-time (NRT) algorithm will convert to V07. There are substantial format changes in the combined and GPROF products for all radiometers. The 1C product has some additions to the swath information. Depending upon how you read the 1C files, you may or may not have to make changes in your programs. Please click here for the GPM V07 file specification document , where all the format changes and their meaning are described. For those using GPROF and combined products, please read the file specifications. There were no calibration changes in GMI, but SSMIS...
Data News
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
A mis-set error counter on the Core Observatory provoked a safe hold at 13:31:29 UTC on 23 March 2022, shutting down DPR and GMI observations. DPR and GMI were restored at 10:54 and 14:54 UTC, respectively on 24 March 2022. No data were recoverable from the outage period, although IMERG Early and Late continued to be produced (without GMI input, of course). The same will be true for the Final Run when it is produced. An outage at FNMOC prevented transmission of DMSP (SSMIS) from 15:51 UTC 23 March 23 to 00:47 UTC 24 March 2022. Gaps in the data are: F16: 14:34:07-19:29:39, F17: 14:56:24-19:46...
The last IR file received from NOAA was on 5 January 2022 for hour 15. Since that time IT issues at NOAA have kept GPM PPS from including any IR data in the NRT Early and Late IMERG products. Users of those products should kept this impact in mind when using data beyond hour 15 on 5 Jan 2022. We have received no word from NOAA when the IR data stream will restart.
Effective approximately 01:30 UTC on 6 December V06 radar and combined data products will cease to be produced by the NRT. In the period 01:30 - 03:00 NASA and JAXA will be updating the radar products to the officially approved V07A data version. During this period no L2 Ka, Ku or DPR will be available. When radar data resumes it will be V07A which has major changes in swath organization as well as science content. The combined product is an interim product which will use V07A radar inputs but V05 GMI 1C inputs. This product is NOT the final or approved V07A combined product but does have the...
As of November 30, 2021, PPS has ceased production of GPM V06 DPR and Combined products. Starting on December 6, 2021 we will start GPM V07 processing beginning with Data date Dec 1, 2021 for GPM DPR ONLY. On December 10, 2021 we will start GPM (reprocessing) RP for V07 back to the beginning of the mission for GPM DPR ONLY. GPM GMI and Partner data will continue at the current version (V05) until February 2022 (approximately). Please note that the Combined GPM products will not be available again until February 2022. The above does not apply to GPM NRT (near real-time) processing. An...