Webinar 7 banner: PRecipitation Data
August 1, 2024, 8:00 p.m. ET Register Here Overview Every second of every day, NASA satellites are collecting data to help us better understand and protect our home planet. Have you ever wondered what kinds of data NASA collects and how you can access it? Join us and find out how and why we use Earth-observing satellites to collect data, where you can access this free and openly sourced data, and how various NASA-sponsored programs are helping make data understandable and accessible to everyone. Resources: Resource packet Speakers Elizabeth Joyner Elizabeth Joyner serves as Community

Status of IMERG Version 06 and 07 Data

The following is a clarification on the current status of Version 06 and Version 07 IMERG data. Production of V06 Early and Late datasets ceased on 3 June. After overcoming significant hardware, software, and data feed challenges, PPS instituted “Initial Processing” (that is, processing of new data) for Early and Late starting with 00:00 UTC on 1 June. “Retrospective Processing” (that is, processing of the record of previous data) is complete for Early from June 2000 through December 2023. Retrospective Processing is on-going for Late, with parallel runs starting with June 2000 and June 2014

JAXA Products Resume

At 01:45 UTC 12 June, JAXA resumed their processing of GPM radar products, which allowed PPS to catch up the downstream GPM DPR products that they compute, as well as computing the Combined product. Fortunately, through the processing outage the JAXA-NASA data line continued to operate, providing the ancillary data that GPROF and IMERG needed to continue uninterrupted near real-time processing.

GPROF and IMERG Production Continued, GPM Radar Still Unavailable

The PPS is now receiving AMSR2 data and JMA forecasts from JAXA, which means that GPROF and IMERG Early and Late products will continue being produced. The GPM radar and combined products are still unavailable due to the JAXA system issues. The PPS has also worked with partners at CSU to develop a new method of processing GPROF that will allow continued production even if no JMA forecast files are received, in the event of a future outage.

GPM Product Outages

Due to an unexpected JAXA system failure the PPS is not receiving GPM DPR Ku and Ka L1B data as well as AMSR2 data. As a result, the PPS cannot produce the GPM radar or combined datasets. The PPS is also not receiving JMA 6 hourly forecasts, and as a result after 12:00 UTC on June 11, 2024 the PPS will not be able to produce the GPROF or IMERG products. JAXA estimates that their systems will start running again by 03:00 UTC 12 June, at which point production of the above products at the PPS will resume. Please check back here for further updates, and contact us with any questions.