Document Description

Detailed specifications document for the Dual-Frequency, Dual-Polar, Doppler Radar (D3R)

Document Description

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM) Ground Validation (GV) Science Implementation Plan (GVSIP) applies three overarching approaches to validation of GPM satellite constellation measurements, products, and algorithms. These approaches include:

Document Description

This document provides a basic set of documentation for the data products available from the GPM Ground Validation System (GVS) Validation Network (VN). In the GPM era the VN performs a direct match-up of GPM’s space-based Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) data with ground radar data from the U.S. network of NOAA Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D, or “NEXRAD”). Ground radar networks from international partners are also part of the VN.

Document Description

Science plan for the Mid-Continent Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E), scheduled for the spring of 2011. This campaign will be conducted in cooperation with the Department of Energy's (DoE) Atmospheric Radiation Program (ARM). The field campaign will be conducted in south-central Oklahoma. The goal of the campaign is to contribute to the improvement of radar and microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms over land.

Document Description


"Enclosed is the 2007 TRMM Senior Review proposal in response to NASA's request. We are very excited about the continuation of the TRMM mission.