GPM IMERG Analyzes Rainfall from Powerful Typhoon Prapiroon

The image above shows estimates of accumulated rainfall using IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) data formed during the period from June 28-July 6, 2018. Typhoon PRAPIROON developed in the northwest pacific Ocean east-northeast of the Philippines on June 28, 2018. PRAPIROON became a typhoon on July 2nd as it approached the Korea Strait between Japan and Korea. Stormy weather had already produced heavy rainfall in Korea and Japan before typhoon PRAPIROON moved through the area. IMERG estimates indicated that PRAPIROON and other stormy weather dumped over 512 mm (20.2 inches)

GPM Views Super Typhoon Maria Near Guam

View full screen in STORM Event Viewer. Rapidly intensifying after its genesis near Guam, Super Typhoon Maria featured winds near 130 knots as it spiraled through the waters of the Western Pacific Ocean. The DPR scan indicates deep convection in several parts of the outer bands, with the most intense precipitation rates from GMI concentrated in the eyewall. Maria is expected to continue intensifying over the next three days, then weaken slightly as it crosses through the Ryukyu Islands, possible near Okinawa. The long range forecast has it making landfall in Northern China, possibly still as a

GPM Views Hurricane Fabio off the Coast of Mexico

View fullscreen in STORM Event Viewer Off the southwest coast of Mexico, Hurricane Fabio has winds approaching 80 knots in this overflight, with a clear eye in the microwave and radar imagery. Fabio is expected to intensify over the next 24-48 hours, but will remain over open waters throughout its lifespan, eventually dissipating. Want to see other events in STORM Event Viewer? Have questions about the technology behind it? Contact the PPS Visualization Team The Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar and GPM Microwave Imager data are products of a joint mission between NASA and JAXA. If you are

Eastern Pacific Tropical Storm Fabio Examined With GPM Satellite

NASA's GPM core observatory satellite flew above tropical storm FABIO in the eastern Pacific Ocean south of Mexico on June 30, 2018 at 10:46 PM MDT (July 1, 2018 at 0446 UTC). FABIO has continued to intensify since then and the National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicts that the tropical storm will become a hurricane later today. FABIO is then expected to become a major hurricane on July 3, 2018 and reach it's peak intensity with wind speeds of about 105 kts (121 mph). Rainfall measurements by GPM's Microwave Imager (GMI) and Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) instruments showed that FABIO

Tropical Storm Prapiroon Probed By GPM Core Observatory Satellite

Tropical depression 09W was located in the northwest Pacific east of the Philippines when it was upgraded today to tropical storm PRAPIROON. The tropical storm is in a favorable environment for intensification. Vertical wind shear is low above the tropical cyclone and sea surface temperatures are warm below. NASA's GPM core observatory satellite had a good view of tropical storm PRAPIROON on June 29, 2018 at 0246 UTC. PRAPIROON was just barely a tropical storm with maximum sustained wind speeds estimated at about 35 kts (40.3 mph). GPM's Microwave Imager (GMI) and Dual-Frequency Precipitation