Dual-frequency Dual-polarized Doppler Radar (D3R)

Submitted by JacobAdmin on Thu, 02/24/2011

The D3R will operate as part of GPM Ground Validation, supporting GPM pre-launch algorithm development and will contribute to post-launch precipitation product validation. In the pre-launch era, the D3R provides independent estimation of hydrometeor classification and drop size distribution retrievals. The radar thus offers an insight into the microphysical processes that dominate the retrieval (and associated measurement error) of precipitation types and rates from satellite data.

Document Description

The opening presentation given at the 2005 GPM System Definition Review meeting.

Document Description

"Next-generation unified precipitation observations from space will refine global data using the latest satellite technology"

An article from the publication Meteorological Technology International. It provides an overview of the GPM mission and it's goals, as well as a description of the Helsinki ground validation field experiment.

Satellite Image of Hurricane Gullame
Satellite Image of Hurricane Guillaume
JacobAdmin Tue, 01/25/2011
Image Caption
Satellite image of Hurricane Guillaume.