
Temporary delay of GPM NRT Data on December 7, 2020

The Precipitation Processing System is planning to migrate the (which includes to the CentOS 8 operating system. This update will mean that GPM near real-time (NRT) data will not be available to users during the period of the update. The action is planned for Monday, 7 December 2020. We intend starting at 14 UTC (09:00 EST). We hope the outage will be between 3-5 hours. During this period no GPM NRT will be available. Some data will not be produced at the usual time during this period and will be behind normal latency. No data will

PPS Extended Maintenance and Archive Downtime Sep 22 - Sep 24, 2020 (3 Days)

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down starting Tuesday September 22, 2020 (0800 EDT|1200 UTC) -through- Thursday September 24, 2020 (Uptime- Still TBD) for a very important multi-day archive upgrade. It is not anticipated that this work will have any impact on the near real-time data servers (jsimpson) or data collection from the GPM satellite and constellation. It is important to be aware that this will be an extensive PPS GPM Archive upgrade that will impact crucial PPS services. Services that may NOT be available during this time include: PPS 'arthurhou' GPM research data

PPS Will be Down for Special Maintenance on Sunday Sep. 13, 2020

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down Sunday September 13, 2020 from approximately 1:00 PM - 7:00pm EDT (17:00 - 23:00 UTC) for scheduled GPM archive maintenance. It is projected that PPS's GPM research data server (Arthurhou) will offline for 6-8 hours and all data processing, etc. will be halted until maintenance has concluded. Data will continue to be collected from the GPM Core Observatory and constellation satellites, and access to the GPM near real-time data server (Jsimpson) will not be affected. During this time all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer
IMERG Grand Average Climatology 2001 - 2019
A new data product merges data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, giving meteorologists and researchers access to a 20-year precipitation record. How much rain and snow fall on Earth in any given year? NASA scientists are answering this question more accurately than ever before and observing precipitation in the most remote places on Earth. And it’s all thanks to an international constellation of satellites. At any given time, instruments onboard about a dozen satellites contribute to a record of the world’s rain and snow

Resumption of GPM Core Observatory Science Operations and NRT Data

On 26 August 2020 at approximately 14 UTC GMI was commanded into science operations mode. Since that time PPS has been producing level 1 and level 2 GMI data. Everything continues to be nominal with GMI science operations. On 26 August 2020 at approximately 23 UTC the DPR was commanded into science operations mode. Since that time PPS has been receiving 1B data from JAXA and producing L2 products including the combined GMI/DPR product. Everything continues to be nominal with DPR science operations. Users are free to resume retrieving GPM NRT data. Initial investigation indicated that the

Currently Not Receiving Data from the GPM Core Satellite

Effective about 11 UTC 19 August 2020, the GPM Mission Operations Center (MOC) stopped receiving data from the GPM Core Observatory satellite. The Flight Operations Team (FOT) is currently assessing the situation. They are working to determine what configuration needs to be accomplished to reestablish data from the satellite. This will likely take a while and there will be no GPM Core Observatory data products available until communications has been successfully reestablished and tested. The IMERG product will continue to be produced but no GMI data will be included in either the early or late

TKIO Annoucement - PPS is Announcing a New tkio-3.9 Release

PPS has created a new PPS/GPM Science Algorithm Toolkit (TKIO) package which includes all the latest production formats. Those wishing to access new production data products listed below using C and Fortran interfaces may wish to download this TKIO package. Those using development TKIO versions that include the newer products do not need this public distribution, it is optional. This 3.97 TKIO includes all production formats including the recent additions of the V06X radar products and 3B42/3 in HDF5. The direct link is

PPS is Releasing New METOPC MHS GPM L1C and GPROF METOPC MHS GPM Level 2 and Level 3 Data and Climatology Products

Commencing today, Wednesday January 29, 2020, PPS is producing and releasing new satellite METOPC MHS GPM Level 1C and GPROF METOPC MHS GPM Level 2 and Level 3 data and Climatology Products V05. These new products will have the starting date of December 11, 2019. GPROF METOPC MHS GPM Level 2 and Level 3 Climatology products will be produced once the ERA5 input data is received for December 2019. See the tables below for pertinent details. List of data types, product versions and start dates +---------------------+----------------+---------------------+ | DataType | ProductVersion | StartDate |

GPM Views Southeast Snowstorm

On February 20th and 21st, 2020, a winter storm brought the seasons largest snowfall to much of North Carolina and southern Virginia. The highest snow totals of 3-5 inches (7-12 cm) were located in northeast NC and southeast VA. GPM's radar captured captured the reflectivities shown in this cross-section as it flew over the snow storm on February 20th, with snow and frozen precipitation shown in blue and purple and rain shown in green and yellow. The melting layer marks the transition from snow to rain and slopes upward 2-3 km from central NC to the coast. These raw reflectivity measurements

GPM Measures Heavy Rainfall from "The Dragon" Cyclonic Storm System in the Middle East

GPM observed the early stages of a strong cyclonic system that developed over northern Africa just off the southern Mediterranean coast on March 11, 2020. The GMI measured heavy rain rates over some parts of Egypt, including the region around Cairo. View fullscreen By March 12, 2020, the cyclonic system that developed over northern Africa had intensified and was nicknamed 'The Dragon' on social media and news outlets, as it caused severe flooding in northern Egypt. Both the GMI and the DPR measured heavy rain rates across two of the storm's bands in this GPM overflight. View fullscreen On