IMERG Early Run Example January 24th, 2020


Precipitation data from the GPM and TRMM missions are made available free to the public in a variety of formats from several sources at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This section outlines the different types of data available, the levels of processing, the sources to download the data, and some helpful tips for utilizing precipitation data in your research.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get precipitation data for my specific location?

There are several sources for downloading and viewing data which allow you to subset the data to only include specific parameters and/or geographic locations. These include the GES DISCGiovanni and STORM. In Giovanni you can obtain data for a specific country, U.S. state, or watershed by using the "Show Shapes" option in the "Select Region" pane.

What happened to the TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA / 3B4x) data products?

The TRMM satellilte has been decommissioned and stopped collecting data in April 2015. The transition from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data products to the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission products has completed as of August 2019. The GPM IMERG dataset now includes TRMM-era data from June 2000 to the present, and other TRMM-era data has been reprocessed with GPM-era algorithms and is now available on the GPM FTP servers. TMPA data production ended as of December 31st, 2019 and the TRMMOpen FTP server has been shut down. Historical TMPA data is still available to download from the NASA GES DISC at:

Click here for more details on the transition from TMPA to IMERG. 

Am I allowed to use GPM data for my research?

Yes, in line with NASA's general data policy. Please refer to the GPM Data Policy for further details.

How do I give credit for using GPM data?
Where can I find detailed documentation on the precipitation algorithms?

Browse our directory of GPM & TRMM data products to locate your desired algorithm, then click on the links in the algorithm description under "Documentation". All documentation is also available at the Precipitation Processing System website

What is the spatial and temporal resolution of GPM data?

The resolution of Level 0, 1, and 2 data is determined by the footprint size and observation interval of the sensors involved.  Level 3 products are given a grid spacing that is driven by the typical footprint size of the input data sets.

For our popular multi-satellite GPM IMERG data products, the spatial resolution is 0.1° x 0.1° (or roughly 10km x 10km) with a 30 minute temporal resolution.

Visit the directory of GPM & TRMM data products for details on the resolution of each specific products.

Can I use images or videos from this site or other NASA websites?

For questions about permission for using NASA images and videos, please refer to NASA's official Media Usage Guidelines. For any additional questions please contact

Is it possible to subset GPM data?

There are several sources for downloading and viewing data which allow you to subset the data to only include specific parameters and/or geographic locations. These include the GES DISCGiovanni and STORM. In Giovanni you can obtain data for a specific country, U.S. state, or watershed by using the "Show Shapes" option in the "Select Region" pane.

What is the difference between "Near Real-time" (NRT) and "Production" / "Research" data?

GPM data products can be divided into two groups (near real-time and production) depending on how soon they are created after the satellite collects the observations. For applications such as weather, flood, and crop forecasting that need precipitation estimates as soon as possible, near real-time data products are most appropriate.  GPM near real-time (GMI & DPR) products are generally available within a few hours of observation.  For all other applications, production data products are generally the best data sets to use because additional or improved inputs are used to increase accuracy.  These other inputs are only made available several days, or in some cases, several months, after the satellite observations are taken, and the production data sets are computed after all data have arrived, making possible a more careful analysis.

For the GPM IMERG dataset, IMERG Early and Late Runs are the near real-time products, while IMERG Final Run is the research / production product. Click here to learn more about the differences between IMERG Early, Late and Final. 

The GPM Mission Operations have successfully executed Orbit Raise Burn #1 for the GPM Core Observatory. The maneuver performance was NOMINAL . Burn #1 Start: 14:19:53 UTC 7 November Burn #1 End: 14:29:43 UTC 7 November Duration: 590 seconds Post-maneuver orbit determination and burn reconstruction have begun. Burn efficiency will be presented at the CAM tomorrow morning and used in the prediction for Orbit Raise Burn #2 (and final), for which the timing is: Planned Burn #2 Start: 17:23:16 UTC 8 November Planned Burn #2 End: 17:33:06 UTC 8 November Planned Duration: 590 seconds Note that DPR...
As of Aug. 30, 2023, the entire available record of archived TRMM, GPM Core Observatory, partner satellite, and ancillary data has been retrospectively processed for the IMERG V07 Final Run dataset, covering June 2000 - April 2023. Initial processing (i.e., with newly arrived data) will extend the Final Run record as additional months of data are received, typically 3.5 months after the near real-time products, which users can determine by checking the IMERG Final Run data listings on the PPS or GES DISC GPM data sources (a full listing of GPM data downloads and sources can be found in the GPM...
The IMERG development team has become aware that a small number of isolated bad Level 2 GPROF orbit granules leaked into V07A IMERG Final Run processing. The team is working with PPS to identify a more-complete list of such instances and trace them back to the Level 1C microwave data. Additional testing is being done and might reveal a few more cases. We are providing this information now in case the times happen to impinge on a detailed study that you are performing. The above image is an example of one of the worse cases (from F16 SSMIS); most cases are less severe or shorter in duration and...
The GPM Core Observatory satellite is scheduled to undergo a series of orbit boost maneuvers which will raise its altitude from 400km to 435km. These boosts are tentatively scheduled for Nov. 7 and 8, 2023. As a result of these maneuvers, the observing parameters of data collected by the GPM Microwave Imager ( GMI ) and Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar ( DPR ) instruments will change, including the footprint sizes and Earth incidence angle. The algorithms which process these data must be updated to accommodate these changes, including the Level 2 GPROF, DPR, and CORRA algorithms; the Level 3...
Commencing with the data date of Friday September 1, 2023 all GPM L3 GPROF Daily and Monthly products will be updated to the designation V07C. PPS will be making these V07C products available to the public starting on Thursday September 7, 2023. The L3 CLIM GPROF data products will also be updated on Thursday September 7, 2023. These products will commence with the data start date of Thursday June 1, 2023 and also have the designation V07C. This version update is necessary to correct the L3 gridded vertical hydrometeor profile means over the high latitude regions. This update identifies pixels...

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