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Photo of Charlene Gaba
Overview: This project evaluates the GPM IMERG Late product against ground data to develop applications for a hydrological modelling online platform. Mentor: Mircea Grecu
Photo of Odina Echeta
Overview: This project works to validate the GPM dual-frequency precipitation radar (DPR) merged scan product against a quality-controlled ground reference data (GV-MRMS) in the continental US. Knowledge from this concept study will be applied to validating/ evaluating and selecting remotely-sensed satellite rainfall products that could be useful for rainfall estimation in data-scarce regions such as West Africa. Mentors: Yagmur Derin , Pierre Kirstetter
Photo of Chuntao Liu
Affiliation: Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA Project Mentees: Eva Yamamoto , June Choi ; Nimisha Wagle
Photo of Mircea Grecu
Affiliation: Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research, Morgan State University, and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA Project Mentees: Charlene Gaba , Idelbert Behanzin
Photo of June Choi
Overview: Understanding how the behavior of large-scale precipitating systems is impacted by atmospheric variables can yield important insights about subseasonal variability and predictability across different regions. For this project, we explored the relationship between atmospheric variables and the characteristics of large precipitating systems, such as their size, geographic distribution, volume of rain, and maximum height of the system. Mentor: Chuntao Liu
Photo of Idelbert Behanzin
Overview: This project uses IMERG to characterize the spatial and temporal extreme precipitation events over West Africa. Mentor: Mircea Grecu
Photo of Vasco Mantas
Affiliation: University of Coimbra, Earth and Space Science Center (CITEUC), Portugal Project Mentee: Simon Ageet
Photo of Simon Ageet
Overview: Hydrometeorological natural hazards are on the rise globally, yet in Africa, rainfall data which is crucial in mitigation efforts is lacking. Understanding the amount and distribution of rainfall and how it plays a role in causing these natural hazards is critical to improve disaster response and mitigation efforts. This project uses GPM IMERG data together with resources like NASA's Landslide Viewer to determine a precipitation threshold for landslides in the Mt. Elgon region of Uganda. Mentors: Vasco Mantas , Zhong Liu , Andrea Portier , Dorian Janney
This collection of resources explores some of the people and organizations using GPM and other NASA Earth data, and how they help improve life around the world.